110909.Celebrated Serene's 20th Birthday @RetroBar! surprisely, the music was not-too-bad that day, hahaha.
And this was more like a gathering between 5N1 &5N2. Really didn't expect to see so much faces that night! hahaha but catching up with each other was good! so secondary school dayzzz.
8/8 of the Royals!

red hearts balloons!


favourite girl:)

i look damn slpyyy. ):


yinhong! omg she has become so prettehhh!

magician of the night!

after that, Serene was pulled up to the stage. sabo only, haha. the fun part was that all of us were being pulled up to dance and sing with her! so cute.

happy birthday serene!

was so tired that was hiding at one corner resting. haha

loveyou big time.

more pictures up on Facebook, too lazy to post all out.
can't wait to meet Tricia &gang tmrw..... needa to gossip alrdy, mouth very itchy. hahaha
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