DFS, Wisma, Taka, Orchard Central, Centrepoint, Heeren &Paragon with Bf.... Wa lau, walk so long &so far. In the end I earned myself BLISTERS. nehnehpok.
We had Waraku for Dinner. Since so long since I had my meals there!
While waiting for our food to come, of coz camwhore first lah!! Hahaha so long since i take out my camera and camwhore alrdy loh!!
My Ebi cream soup udon!! But quite creamy though.
After dinner, we went to have dessert!! After heavy meal, dessert is a must, hahaha.
But I FINISHED this myself you know! My bf is complaining that his tummy is not functioning well, and I don't allow him to go to the washroom!! Hahah I think something wrong with Waraku food leh! Both of us ended up with a tummyache. ):
After that we walked ard before heading back!! AND I FOUND A NOKIA 5800 @LEVIS, HEEREN. But I returned it to the saleperson!!! Honesty know, hehehez.
Our shadows.......(:
with love....
needa go do some research NOW. &breaktime is over. and rp is still lame. I spend 6damn bucks on a damn disgusting horrible china-lookalike thermometer:( screwuppppppppppppp, nnp.
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