I am damn f*ucking depressed over my Week1's grades.
tmrw is the starrrrt of week2. hellssszx
can't waittttttttt to meet the Royals on Thurs though, can't wait to see my bf tmrw. can't wait to see Tricia on Tues. the only things i look forward to.
Final Year Project is making me feel like S.H.I.T.Z manzxzx. Screw. I still need to go down to Franson before meeting my advisor for meeting in school tmrw. Nb, hellssssszx.
this is getting damn mad. ): &it's getting very ScaRyyyyy. oh yah, school is good for now. yes i mean for now, only.
12April2009, Sunday. Our 6th monthsary. (: We watched Shinjuku Incident over at Marina Square. Since we had free time before our movie starts, we chilled over at Starbucks.
After movie, we were both very hungry. So we headed over to Waraku to have our dinner:)
The damn power potatoes..... (:
Act cute!!
After that we sit around &camwhore. But every photo we took were very ugly. hahaha
with much love <333ssssss.
13April2009 - 17April2009, Monday - Friday. Attachment over at Franson International which freaking burn away 5days of my last week of holidays. Damn it manzzzz! But still, I am glad that I had learnt quite alot of things from it despite the damn bloody hot &stuffy environment.
School is starting in less than 10hours time. I am glad that I had learnt alot during this period of time. (: i can't wait for the next holidays though):
07April2009, Tuesday. Fail to tan Sentosa Trip with the Usuals! Practically, there is NO SUN. &it rained. Spoilerssssss
While waiting for the rest to arrived. (:
Story telling time.
Palawan beach!
The cute baby. (:
Charlene, the balloon creator. Hahh
The guys.
Charlene &her $9 float. Hahaha!
Finally, one WHOLE group photo. (: after so long.
TriciaNSX. (:
Gathering with the Usuals was gooooood!!! (: See you all sooon.
08April2009, Wednesday. Bf and me hitted ChompChomp. No pictures, coz we were damn hungry that we gobbled. Hahaha!!
09April2009, Thursday. FYP meeting. Astons for dinner with Bf &Sis. and we caught "The Sniper". (:
10April2009, Friday. Good Friday!! I cut my hair over @2way. Without Tricia's accompany this time. After that, met Bf and we headed over to Makan Sutra for dinner. &then to Bugis. :)
Sentosa with the usuals. I DID NOT GET TANNED BECAUSE IT WAS RAINING!!!!! mood spoiler leh, really........ Not only I did not get tanned, I came back with alot of mosquito bites!!!!!!!! bloody hell. but the company of friends made it all worthwhile...
Pictures up sooooon. now i am very tired &need to SLP soon.